Vintage mirror from Indonesia Giant Carved Mirror L155 W4 H117

€450,00 €315,00 Sale
Tax included.

The window of yesterday, the mirror of tomorrow.

The wooden frame of this mirror was originally a window frame from an Indonesian house. When the old house was demolished, the window frame was salvaged and ended up at a local buy-and-sell shop. Found the window frame Sasu's founder from a local buying and selling business last spring. Our local Indonesian partner has installed the mirrors and refurbished the frames.

1 in stock
Vintage by Sasu's tuotteiden alkuperä

Olemme tehneet yhteistyötä indonesialaisen Shreya Furnituren kanssa jo yli kymmenen vuotta. Heidän liiketoimintamansa ydin on vanhojen tavaroiden etsiminen paikallisista maaseudun osto- ja myyntiliikkeistä, jotka länsimaalaisin silmin muistuttavat useimmiten romuvarastoja, ja niistä löydettyjen tavaroiden kunnostaminen. Shreya Furnituren avustuksella saamme myös ajoittain myyntiin muitakin tuotteita kuin vanhoja tavaroita.

Product information

Our vintage products have a real touch of craftsmanship. First, someone has made the product by hand and then years later, the product has been restored by hand.

There is rarely more than one vintage item, making these treasures true collectors' items.